
Retournzy supports organizations in transitioning to reusable solutions, helping to reduce single-use food packaging waste at the source.

A cooperative of solidarity, committed and local

Retournzy containers are a shared resource among all users of the network and are made available to those who need them. Our cooperative ensures the circulation of containers between users and their multiple reuses.

In a circular economy principle, Retournzy is proud to be part of the social economy movement.




By sharing reusable containers as an alternative to single-use containers, we want to encourage a circular economy



By paying attention to every details, from the choice of containers to their transport, we ensure the ecological coherence of our service



By professionally cleaning containers, we ensure that their hygiene meets the rules defined by the MAPAQ

Transparence Retournzy


We advocate transparent and honest communication with all our stakeholders

Love & Care


By working together, we are convinced that we can bring an alternative the new normal of tomorrow

Travel Activities


We want to gather around the project a community of actors committed to the transition. The cooperative model allows us to offer a service designed by and for its members, so that they can define the solution and make it radiate, within a strong, committed and united network


The strength of our team is diversity! Because we are entrepreneurs, restaurateurs, caterers and logistics experts from different backgrounds, we have assembled our skills to create a more resilient local community with you.

Working members

Cindy Vaucher Retournzy
Cindy Vaucher

Executive Coordinator

Geneviève Bélanger Villanueva

Communications and Business Development Coordinator

Florian Maisonnave
Florian Maysonnave

Digital Strategy

Yumi Watanabe
Yumi Watanabe

Operations and quality control

Anna Barrachon
Anna Barrachon

Communications Officer anna@retournzy.ca

Board of Directors and advisory committee

Marguerite Rose


Marc Obeid


Florian Maisonnave
Florian Maysonnave


Geneviève Bélanger Villanueva Retournzy
Geneviève Bélanger Villanueva


Sophie Schwartz

Marketing strategy

Audrey Mougenot

HR policies and funding

Sébastien Joseph

Hygiene and health

Founding team

Cindy Vaucher Retournzy
Cindy Vaucher
Florian Maisonnave
Florian Maysonnave
France Gosselin Retournzy
France Gosselin
Christophe Coltey

Restorer Caribou Gourmand

Tsahaï Papatakis


Shohan Rustom

Logistic Radish Coop


September 2020

Start of the Retournzy project by Cindy and Florian

October 2020

Participation in the Coopérathon Desjardins / Finalists in the Recyc-Québec category

January 2021

Start of the incubation process at EntrePrism / Jury’s Favourite Award

March 2021

Constitution of the Retournzy solidarity coop with the help of the CDRQ

July 2021

First order of containers for the pre-pilot project

October 2021

Launch and success of a socio-financing campaign

October 2021

Start of the MTLab Incubation Path

March 2022

Launch of the sharing network pilot project with 6 institutions and 4 drop-off points in Montreal

SDC Rue Saint-Denis

November 2022

Launch of the sharing network in the Plateau Mont-Royal, Rosemont and Villeray

Contenant traiteur (crédit photo TedXHEC Montréal)

January 2023

Structuring service for two new customer segments: caterers and event organizers (photo credit: Angélique Labbadi)

Centre de lavage Retournzy

August 2023

Installation in our first wash center

Awards and distinctions

Coopérathon 2020

Finalists in the Recyc-Québec category

EntrePrism 2021 (HEC Montréal)

Jury’s Favourite Award ($1,000 grant)

Défi Propulsion 2021 (Desjardins)

Winners of the “Défi Propulsion” ($10,000 grant)

Participatory budget of the Plateau-Mont-Royal 2021

Third most voted project by citizens

Youth wing of the Chantier de l’Économie Sociale 2021

$2,500 grant from the Transition in the “Circular Economy” category

MTLab 2022

Grant of $5,000

Tourisme Montréal Distinction Award 2023

In the Sustainable Tourism section: attractions, activities, tourism and convention services

Environmental Initiative of the Year Award 2024 (Cooperatives and Mutuals Canada)

Awarded to the project for its significant contribution to reducing the environmental footprint

Conseil québécois de la coopération et de la mutualité Sustainable Development Award 2024

This award recognizes the coop’s commitment to the social economy, the reduction of single-use packaging waste and the promotion of reusable packaging.

Any questions?

Professionals, switch to reusable!

Want to help us grow the network?